The Gaian Platform

for the political organisation of the evolutionary transition of humanity to global collectivisation


Gaianism is the political organisation of the evolutionary transition of humanity to global collectivisation.

As such, Gaianism is the recognition that:

i. restoring planetary homeostasis is the only valid strategic goal of any state actor for the foreseeable future
ii. the scientific basis for how to carry i. out is complete
iii. states and their constitutions must replatform around i. and ii.

Last chance, humans!


The upcoming US presidential election in November 2020 is on track to go down in history as the moment when humanity lost its last opportunity to collectively address overwhelming global risks, and sealed the fate of the planet.

As of August 1st 2020, any sufficiently informed rational adult, anywhere on the planet, does not need any further information to know that the previous statement is not hyperbole and probably correct.

At this juncture, national governments are chiefly functioning to enforce historical claims to resources as the private property of archaic social classes. The post-imperial national governments are collapsing into dysfunctional one-party states, because these historical claims are in the way of meaningful adaptation to the current existential risks.

The US is the clearest example of this, followed most closely by the UK and BRIC nations. All these governments have clearly demonstrated their incapacity to recognise and respond to current global risks, let alone correctly prioritise or implement such reponse.

This situation at last clears the space for a proportional and rational response to our collective situation, in the form of a new, globally-distributed political platform, for effective response to climate change and related risks.

Scientific basis for The Gaian Platform

We call this the Gaian platform, because it is necessarily based in the one already-existing schema of hard physical and biological science that is capable of responsibly addressing our total biospheric risk.

The starting point and anchor for globally coordinated scientific response to climate change is best summarised by the paper:

Making Evolutionary Sense of Gaia
- article

This seminal work achieves the fusion of materialistic, bottom-up, reductionist science, with top-down holistic synthesis. It is the one valid scientific approach that can provide the basis for resolving questions of correct distributions of resources to achieve biospheric homeostasis.

It 'defeats' the scientific claims of both neodarwinism and atheism (e.g. as represented by Richard Dawkins), and in so doing, opens the way for the harmonisation of social and political organisation with the biosphere. It furthermore functions as the cornerstone of the foundation for integrating the balkanised and corporatised academy (all STEM-HUM domains). (The rest of the foundation for this integration is also complete, and will be disclosed in forthcoming literature and knowledge-integration tooling.)

Constitutions will now be redrawn, so that the state, at all levels, is regenerated as the administration of land, water, energy, and other resources, as Commons, functioning as layers in a local-global open network that self-organises towards global biospheric homeostasis.

As an example of how Gaian biophysics naturally extends into, finally, responsible and coordinated scientific response to global risks, consider this short article re. SARS-CoV-2 (by the same author as cited above):

Could this pandemic usher in evolution’s next major transition?
- article

Political organisation of the Gaian Party

We call on all able and willing humans to become members of the Gaian party, or simply Gaians.

The Gaian Party will run for leadership positions in all national governments, that are still functioning democracies.

In nations where functional democracy does not obtain, which includes the US, UK, and BRICs, pro-forma political activity to influence standing governments and institutions will be supplemented by new national governments and constitutions, prepared to take immediate action upon the eventual or imminent collapse of the legacy systems.

The Gaian Platform and the US Constitution

By 2016, it had became clear to all rational and sufficiently informed US citizens that their Constitution had been thoroughly eviscerated by subterfuge in the private interest.

A US constitutional convention has been necessary for the last 12 years; this has been universally obvious for the last 4.

While there is no such thing as ‘an American’, the majority of the peoples and cultures from all over the world that are the US citizenry -

.. are seeking to fix their Social Order.

Social orders are fixed by their Constitutions.

US Citizens can avert violent revolution only by forging a New Constitution, and replatforming it through a new political system.

Because what is at stake in the 2020 US Presidential election is not just the US social order, but:

  1. the global social order
  2. human civilisation
  3. biospheric homeostasis - i.e., the ability of Earth to sustain life

… until the US Constitution is replatformed, US citizens are in a legally liminal state, with distributed liabilities for both treason and abetment of climate/war crimes growing by the week.

Until their Constitution is replatformed, US citizens, by voting, are only making all this worse, and increasing the total damage and liability they are collectively responsible for.

While today there is no US or World Court that effectively holds US citizens liable for these collective moral and ethical failures, US citizens can be assured that future courts, whether they preside over marble or ashes, will.

In order to offset the aggravated risk they will perpetrate by voting in November 2020, US citizens must not demand, but simply begin, a Constitutional Convention.

But a legitimate constitutional convention is constrained by reason and the public interest - beyond what current jurisprudence can be expected to produce.

A constitution built on reason and the public interest now requires incorporating what we know about climate change and other synergistic risks.

Addressing these risks means that:

  1. debt
  2. wealth
  3. privilege
  4. class & caste

.. must all be reset, in service of the social order.

This reset is not a choice. It is itself a natural law, as clearly established in the interdisciplinary union of History -> Biology -> Physics, and in the work of Vaclav Smil, Joseph Tainter, Jared Diamond, Peter Turchin, et alia.

Where we have choice is in how and when the reset occurs.

If the reset does not happen soon peacefully, it will perforce happen soon violently.

On the other hand:

A constitutional convention that satisfies these constraints, will in one stroke:

All US citizens are about to knowingly participate in an election & a political system that is clearly a sham of responsible governance.

A constitutional convention along these lines, will in one stroke give that system a defensible bridge to the future.

Americans have the chance to make the crash of the American duopoly intentional and relatively nonviolent.

If they manage that, they will be remembered as managing the transition to reconstruction, instead of blindly extending the duration and human cost of the crash.

Other nations, such as the UK, France, and Germany, will quickly follow.

In 2020, as in 1776, the only legitimate American government is a revolutionary one, and the only legitimate Constitution is a new (Gaian) one.

If Americans embrace Gaia, the greater part of the current volatility afflicting their country will dissipate. Most of it is criminal fakery, after all.

If Americans don’t embrace Gaia, history and biology will drag them down, kicking and screaming as they are now, and in the end, America will die not from guns or pandemics, but from heartbreak.

The Gaian Platform and the US Presidential Election

Most critically for human and biospheric survival:

However, there is no reasonable expectation of such coming to pass. Social solidarity and collective rationality in the US are deeply damaged.

Writing in a Gaianist candidate or ‘Gaia’ as a protest vote would be the most rational action, if the voting system was still at least a partially functional means of collective decision-making.

However, while US citizens must vote against Trump, it is also abundantly clear that the US system has finally completely failed.

American citizens are deeply mired in a double-bind:

It is presently abundantly clear to any rational and sufficiently informed adult that:

i. Trump must be voted out of office
ii. Hence every American must vote for Biden
iii. Yet a Biden presidency will not be able to meaningfully address the existential risks facing the US and the world

Many Americans already describe their position as:

  1. supporting a coalition to elect Biden, yet
  2. requiring that coalition to immediately dissolve after Biden is sworn in

However, there is as yet no effective plan for achieving b.:

Despite growing awareness that the US political system is an oligarchic duopoly which, in the face of climate change and other risks, has lost both legitimacy and the ability to responsibly govern, there is no effective coalition against the duopoly, nor a defensible plan to succeed it.

The solution is to elect Biden, then immediately require a Constitutional Convention.

The requirement for a Constitutional Convention is the one workable basis for a coalition to succeed one to elect Biden.

Since there is at last enough recognition of the extreme moral urgency to meaningfully address existential risks, there is a real albeit slim possibility of such a coalition succeeding, even through the existing duopoly.

Further strategy towards a Constitutional Convention and further steps is in the document Collectivised Voting and related project Threescore.

Articles of the Gaian Platform

The Gaian party is a globally-distributed political platform for holding national constitutional conventions:

1. Constrained by reason and the public interest

2. Incorporating what we know about climate change and other synergistic risks

3. Not negotiating debt, wealth, privilege, class & caste, but resetting them

4. Into transferable, mobile, and fungible private property

5. Enabling sustainable developmental justice

6. Conversion of national militaries to global biospheric defense

7. Gaia Before Galaxia

All fossil-fuel based space exploration must cease until planetary homeostasis is achieved.

8. Voluntary population control

9. Global Religion

We said above that Gaian biophysical science functions as the cornerstone for integrating all STEM-HUM domains. This centrally includes all religions, cultural practises and traditions, and heritages.


The Sky-Father says:

You have made my wife, your Mother, sick unto death.
Restore Her to health, or you may not come to Me (ad astra).
If She dies, I will sacrifice you, my children, over your Mother's dead body.


Let’s get this Party started